2024 WVGSA Results Available in Online

Student assessment results for the 2024 West Virginia General Summative Assessment are now available in the online Family Portal.

Putnam County Schools will provide a unique access code for each student who took the WVGSA in grades 3-8. This code will allow students and their parents/guardians to access student test results by logging into the online Family Portal.  We are sending this information through the student's email address and the parent/guardian's email address(es) on file for the student. 

The Family Portal will provide better access to student test results for parents/guardians. It will include detailed information about student performance in math, English language arts, and science, as well as access to Lexile and Quantile measures and the Lexile/Quantile Growth Plan.

Additional resources will be included to help explain student performance and to help parents and guardians provide support to their students.

To further assist parents/guardians in understanding their student’s performance on the WVGSA, in addition to the results provided in the Family Portal, an individual video score report also is available. Putnam County Schools will also provide a unique link to each student’s video report in that same email.

Please look for this important email on August 29, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. If parents and guardians need help accessing the family portal or the video score report, they may contact their child’s school administrator(s).

In addition, WV SAT School Day results for students who took it last year as Juniors are available in the student's College Board account. Please have your student log in and share results with you. Lastly, if your student took the WV Alternate Assessment, those results were sent home with students on August 29, 2024.

We proudly announce that Putnam County Schools is ranked #1 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for the third consecutive year!

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) Office of Assessment presented the 2024 Statewide Summative Assessment results on August 14, 2024, at the State Board of Education meeting in Charleston.

Assessment data reports are on the WVDE website and the ZoomWV dashboard.